Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sweet, sweet hypocrisy

A blog I read has a regular post called "Charity Criminal of the Week"-- although I can't promise this will be a regular component of my blog, I'd like to call this one "The Biggest Hypocrites I've Ever Heard of that Are in Positions of Massive Power." Or maybe "Top Two Reasons the Rest of the World Should Hate and/or Distrust America."

My head nearly exploded this morning when I got an email describing the recent resignation of Randall Tobias, who until last week was the head of USAID and director of US foreign assistance. Citing the ever popular "personal reasons", he actually resigned because his cell phone number turned up on the list of clients made public by the DC Madam...yes boys and girls, he was frequenting a call girl service. Although Mr. Tobias claims he was only getting massages (who pays $300 an hour for a massage?), federal prosecutors allege the DC Madam was running a prostitution ring.

Here comes the hypocrisy part--as the top US official responsible for development aid, he was responsible for implementing an ANTI PROSTITUTION PLEDGE preventing organizations working with prostitutes from getting any USAID funding, and requiring organizations getting funding to sign a statement that they opposed prostition. The pledge was opposed by numerous health, human rights, and advocacy groups as sex workers are often vulnerable groups most in need of assistance and are often keys to preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. While Mr Tobias was spending thousands of dollars on "call girls" in our nation's capital, groups promoting health and economic empowerment for vulnerable women around the world were cut off from funding necessary to do their work. Incredible.

This story comes hot on the heels of the Wolfowitz debacle at the World Bank...taking over as head of the bank with a pledge to fight corruption, he temporarily stopped loans to countries plagued by bribery or mismanagement in an effort to promote transparency and accountability. Yet at the same time, it seems he was involved in securing pay raises, promotions, and cushy trips for his girlfriend (also a bank employee)!! Girlfriend issues aside, he's not been a popular figure at the bank for his reliance on a small circle of aides he brought over from the department of defense, who have taken a liking to striking out phrases like "climate change" and "family planning" from aid proposals. Perhaps Wolfowitz should take a lesson from Tobias and resign rather than fight for a job that no one seems to think he should keep. Or maybe we should just let his girlfriend decide his title and salary.

Where do these people come from? How on earth have they been running the 2 most important official aid institutions in the country? Totally, completely, unbelieveable.

For a more coherent and only slightly less incredulous summary of the situation, check out the "Sex, Lies, and Development" post over at CGD.

UPDATE: I should have known Tobias was a Dookie-- chairman of the board from 1997-2000.

1 comment:

AdamB said...

Hi-- found your site by way of evolvingyeti, and I like it! This latest post sparked a pretty good discussion here in the office. Keep up the good work!