Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Summer camp, but with more gin and tonics

I spent a blissful weekend out on the eastern shore of Maryland (Chestertown) with four wonderful college girlfriends (and yes I know it's Tuesday night, and I'm no longer in weekend bliss mode because I've worked two days and am now stressed). But back to happy Chestertown...

We gathered for a birthday celebration (Happy birthday to Ann!) but quickly found many more things to celebrate-- new jobs, recent engagements, successes at work, completed tests, new cities, and finally (finally!) that crisp, cool fall weather I've been waiting for. Although we were in Chestertown for just a little over a day, it felt more like summer camp than a weekend escape. Amidst all the serious grad schooling, wedding planning, re-locating, social impacting, and Big Life Decision Making, we also filled our days with bike rides (no hands!), candy corn, pumpkin patches, delicious meals, giggling at the Office, and lazing on the porch looking out at the Chester River. Time slowed down and it felt like Canada, complete with cocktail hour on the deck courtesy of Dr. Collier and his famous g and t's.

Although we all kept apologizing for not keeping in better touch, getting back together made me realize how lucky I am to have these fabulous ladies in my life in the first place-- and that we are the kind of friends that don't need to talk on the phone every day to stay close. I was inspired (between the Sikh wedding planning and the UNC friendships) to dig up this blog post from a few months back-- one of my favorites from a Carolina blogger I stalk and a much more beautifully written ode to college friends than I could ever write!


Anonymous said...

Man, what a wonderful weekend we had...

Secret said...

you forgot to mention sophia's vodka! Summer camp with gin and tonics and vodka.... we'll have to have round 2 sometime soon. xoxo! ann