Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Video from Nepal

Thanks to the Global Fund for Women's fall newsletter, I found this video about Lucky Chetri and the Three Sisters Trekking Company in Nepal (I blogged about them after having lunch with Lucky this summer). It's short, sweet, and sure it give you mountain envy...

Prior to receiving the newsletter I wasn't aware that Lucky was a GFW grantee and it reminded me of what we call "triple crown" syndrome around the GG office-- individuals or organizations who are Ashoka fellows, and Skoll grantees, and Tech Laureates, and Schwab fellows, etc. While I don't want to begrudge awards and funding to amazing organizations, it can feel a bit like a fraternity or country club-- once you cross a certain threshold, the privileges and riches just keep piling on and it's the same folks at the award galas and grantee conventions and featured in newsletters.

At the same time, I spent a few days in September at a Guidestar International conference talking about sharing due diligence, building systems that feed off each other, and reducing workloads for NGOs as well as foundations. How can we create scalable systems that drive more resources to high impact organizations, while also extending our reach into grassroots community organizations and surfacing the best new ideas to reward alongside the pedigreed triple crowners?


evolving yeti said...

uhm....beavis, i don't know what dana just said but its probably rocks.

glad to hear you made it back sefely from your travels abroad.

Eli Stefanski said...

Speaking of the Triple Crown Winners -- there was a politcal cartoon in the portland press herald wherein Gore was holding an Emmy, an Oscar, and the Nobel Peace Prize (and waiting for the Presidential nomination). I chuckled and thought of you but couldn't find a copy of it online... :)